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Cruise Ship

Foster Perry Travel


Dionne Roberts, Owner

I try to combine my love of travel and love of music and culture to make every trip unique. Best of all I, I get to bring all of my great experiences (and some tough lessons too) into the process of making sure your trip is one will never forget. Since I do travel frequently, make sure to follow us on facebook so you can come along for the ride, and get some ideas for your own bucket list!

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Tropical Breeze Current Bikini $150.00.jpg
Body Amanda $135.00.jpeg

Acqua & Coral



Manufactured in Brazil, each piece gives that feeling of confidence from the materials to its well thought of styles. The brand can be worn from sunrise to sunset, either as a suit underwater or as a stylish ensemble for after-dark. A mix of one-piece and 2-piece bikinis that suits your body type.

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